The free ads app is a marketplace where you can buy and sell products to people near your address.
Trade with the people closest to the address and you will be free from shipping, packaging and other costs and worries!
There are all categories of ads, here are the main ones: Transport - online car market, real estate - sale and rental of houses and other types of property, electrical engineering - electronic goods that have now completely entered our lives, work - vacancies and specialists looking for work, for children - the best for our children. For the home - furniture, household items, services - all kinds of offers in the service sector. Animals - the market for domestic and farm animals is also feed, of course there is a separate category for farmers and gardeners. Fashion and style - clothing and care products, hobbies and sports - entertainment, tourism. Tools and ready-made businesses for entrepreneurs. You will also find ads for trade-in offers and free items.
Post a free ad in less than a minute!
Also, your ad will be automatically published on the Telegram social network, which ensures that even more potential buyers and customers will see it.
You can manage your ads through your profile on the app and website.
Thousands of new ads every day. Convenient search, sections and filters allow you to select the best offers near your address.
View an ad near your residential address in the VadaVada mobile app.
- In the upper right corner of the application, click the three-line icon (*this is the filter section).
- In the "Filters" section, click the "MARK ADDRESS" button.
- Write your address.
- Determine how many kilometers around you want to see ads.
- Click "OK" and you will see ads near you. bepul e'lonlar ilovasi - bu sizning uyingiz yaqinidagi odamlar bilan tovarlarni sotib olishingiz va sotishingiz mumkin bo'lgan bozor.
Sizga yaqin atrofdagi isonlar bilan savdo qiling va yetkazib berish, qadoqlash yoki shu kabi boshqa xarajat va tashvishardan xolos bo'lasiz!
E'lon joylash uchun barcha yo'nlaishlar mavjud, mana ulardan asosiylari: Transport - onlayn mashina bozori, ko'chmas mulk - uy joy va boshqa turdagi mulklar savdosi va ijarasi, elektr jixozlar - xozirda hayotimizga to'liq kirib kelgan elektronika tovarlari, ish - bo'sh ish o'rinlari va ish qidiruvchilar, bolalar uchun - farzandlarimizga eng yaxshisi. Uy uchun - mebel jixozlar oilaga kerakli buyumlar, xizmatlar - barcha turdagi servis takliflari. Xayvonlar - uy va qishloq xo'jaligi hayvonlari mol bozori, dehqonlar xamda bog'bonlar uchun xam alohida kategoriya mavjud. Moda va stil - kiyim kechaklar sovg'alar bo'limi, xobbi va sport - dam olish uchun shroitlar, takliflar. Biznesmenlar uchun asbob uskunalar va tayyor bizneslar. shuningdek ayriboshlash taklifi va tekinga berib yuborish bo'yicha e'lonlar topasiz.
Bepul e'lon joylang - bunga sizning bir daqiqadan kam vaqtingiz ketadi!
Shuningdek Sizning e'loningiz vadavadauz Telegram ijtimoiy tarmog'idagi kanallarimizda xam avtomatik ravishda chop etiladi, bu esa yanada ko'proq potentsial xaridor va mijozlar ularni ko'rishini ta'minlaydi.
Ilova va saytdagi profelingiz orqali e'lonlaringizni boshqarishingiz mumkin.
Xar kuni minglab yangi e'lonlar. Qulay qidiruv, bo'limlari va filtrlar Sizga eng yaxshi va yaqin atrofingizdagi takliflarni tanlash imkonini beradi.
VadaVada mobil ilovasida yashash manzilingizga yaqin atrofdagi e'lonlarni ko'rish.
- ilovaning tepa o'ng burchagidan uchta chiziq belgisini bosasiz (*bu filtrlar bo'limi).
- Filtrlar bo'limidan MANZILNI BELGILASH tugmasini bosasiz.
- qadam: Yashash manzilingizni yozing.
- qadam: Nechi kilometr atrofdagi e'lonlarni ko'rishni belgilaysiz.
- qadam: OK tugmasini bosasiz va yaqin atrofingizdayi e'lonlarni ko'rasiz.